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Case Study

Banana fruit powder

Bananas are year round staples consumed widely all over the world. Mainly used as a low key power food, it is often overlooked as a primary ingredient in our daily diet. But ripe banana powder is fast becoming the healthier and tastier alternative to refined flours as studies have validated the superior nutritional benefits it offers. Bananas are peeled, sliced, dried and milled making sure to retain maximum nutrients from the fruit. Babas Natural Basket Banana fruit powder is made from fine quality ripe bananas, cultivated in the fertile plantations of Wayanad, abiding to strict organic farming methods. Processing techniques are done entirely by state of the art machines, untouched by human hand, ensuring superior quality banana fruit powder in its purest form without any additives or preservatives. From cakes to baby food, banana powder can be used readily in a wide range of dishes. It is rich in many essential nutrients like fiber, anti-oxidants, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin D and electrolytes to replenish. Banana powder is used as a natural cosmetic and is gaining huge popularity not only as nutrient rich wonder food


  • Organically processed and packed without any additional flavour or colour or preservatives ·
  • Processed using state of the art machines to seal in the natural nutrients and goodness of ripe bananas ·
  • The technology used in processing helps in retaining maximum nutrients content in the finished product ·
  • Loaded with Potassium and Magnesium which promotes heart health and a rich source of carbohydrates for daily energy Also contains other vital nutrients like zinc, vitamin B6 and Vitamin D ·
  • Contains antioxidants which are effective against degenerative conditions, thus boosting immunity and regulating heart health ·
  • Fiber rich and gluten free makes it perfect for easy digestion and weight loss ·
  • Recommended for people with celiac disease(caused by glutens) ·
  • Replenishes electrolytes in the body lost through sweat
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