Kodampuli (comboge)

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Case Study

Kodampuli (Cambodge)

Cambodge or Kodampuli is a tropical fruit commonly known as ‘Malabar Tamarind’. Its uses and culinary qualities are much similar to tamarind. While tamarind has pod shaped fruits, cambodge is a yellow or red coloured berry, grows as big as an apple, with a unique sweetsour flavour. The ripe yellow berries are lucked and seeded. This is then dried till it turns black and leathery. Babas Natural Basket Kodampuli/Cambodge is fine quality dried rinds of cambodge, grown and harvested organically on the fertile, moist plantations of the Western Ghats. Processing and packing is done using state of the artmachines, ensuring best quality organic kodampuli rinds, without any added chemicals or preservatives. Cambodge is called ‘goraka’ in Hindi. Kodampuli is used to add sourness to dishes/curries in Kerala. This is also Kerala’s secret spice in seafood. Kerala styled fish curry gets its tangy zest from the addition of kodampuli. Kodampuli finds similar use in culinary as tamarind. Kodampuli is also used in making a fat burning drink that can be bought commercially. While it may be too soon to label kodampuli as a ‘superfood’, the proven and unproven benefits associated with it are immense. These therapeutic qualities of cambodge relating to weigh loss came to light in 2012, when American celebrity doctor Dr Mehmet Oz promoted the extract from the fruit to achieve weight loss. Studies are been conducted to verify other possible benefits associated with the fruits like boosting energy, detoxification of the body and promoting cardiovascular and digestive health. From fighting inflammation, aiding digestion, controlling cholesterol to boosting energy, the immense culinary and potential health benefits offered by kodampuli makes it an ingredient you cannot miss


  • Fine quality dried kodampuli, from the fertile plantations of the Western Ghats, grown and processed organically ·
  • Processing technique using state of the art machines to pack in all the natural flavour and nutrients of organic cambodge, making a world of difference in quality .
  • Moderate weight loss: Weight loss effects of Cambodgia are credited to the presence of a phytochemical called Hydroxycitric acid or HCA. Some high quality studies have shown that the phytochemical has the ability to burn fat and suppress appetite. HCA works by blocking an enzyme called citrate lysase, which is used in the body to make fat. This can help with weight loss and reducing belly fats ·
  • HCA increases the release of the hormone serotonin in the brain, which makes you feel less hungry, which can result in losing weight ·
  • Test tube studies suggests that it might have some anti-diabetic effects like
    a. Decreasing insulin levels
    b. Decreasing leptin levels
    c. Reducing inflammation
    d. Regulating blood sugar levels
    e. Increased insulin sensitivity ·
  • Some non-verified benefits of cambodge are protection against stomach ulcers and digestive tract damage
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